IFAPA Publications

IFAPA publishes a variety of resource materials for Iowa's foster, adoptive and kinship parents. Below are links to all of our publications you can view through our website or request via mail.

IOWA FAMILIES: Click here to receive any of IFAPA's free publications in the mail.

IOWA SOCIAL WORKERS: IFAPA is able to mail a copy of each publication for your personal reference; however, we are not able to mail large quantities of our publications to keep at your office. If you have a family that would like a copy of one of our booklets, please refer them to our website or have them call 800-277-8145 ext. 5 to request a copy via mail.

OUT-OF-STATE FAMILIES & SOCIAL WORKERS: Please feel free to download the PDF versions of our publications and print for free. If you would like IFAPA to mail any/all of the publications listed below, please send a $25 check to IFAPA at 6864 NE 14th Street, Suite 5 - Ankeny, IA 50023.


The Child Abuse Assessment - A Guide for Foster Parents

A step-by-step guide for foster parents who have had an abuse allegation made against them. This easy-to-read booklet explains the abuse assessment process, defines child protective terms, clarifies the foster parents' legal rights, and addresses the emotional issues families face during an assessment.


Completing the Circle - Uncovering, Discovering & Creating Connections for Your Foster & Adoptive Children

This guidebook was created to help foster & adoptive parents identify, locate, and engage as many caring individuals as possible - biological and other -- to support the child in your care over his or her lifetime.


Confidentiality - A Guide for Foster Parents

This publication explains the complicated issue of confidentiality in a easy-to-understand, quick-read format. It will guide you through sticky issues, such as sharing information with teachers, daycare personnel, and medical professionals. Find definite answers to how and what to say to family, friends, and neighbors about your foster son or daughter. Finally, a written guide on how to manage this important but tricky issue that together workers, attorneys, and families developed.

View Confidentiality Addendum (regarding cell phones and using Facebook)
View Confidentiality Addendum (regarding child care providers)


Cool Down Chart

When your child is angry or upset, let them cool down by choosing one of the options on this chart. PRINT THIS CHART and be ready for the next time your child needs a cool down.

Educators Making a Difference for Students - Adoption, Foster Care and Kinship Care in the School Setting

Children who do not live with their birth parents deal with unique issues. These issues may affect a student’s school performance. This booklet was developed to provide educators with information about issues that impact children and youth in out-of-home care and the effect those issues might have on classroom learning. Information and suggestions on how educators can assist and advocate for these students are also included.



Foster Parents and the Courts

A Guide for Foster Parents on Being an Effective Advocate in Court for Foster Children. This handbook was written to help you understand who the people are that are involved in the legal proceedings, what is likely to occur in court, and how you can be most effective in advocating for the best interests of your foster child.



Journals for Foster Parents (Weekly / Daily)

It is important for foster parents to keep a well-documented journal for each foster child. Keeping a journal helps the foster parent report information to HHS and to the courts. Record what happened to the foster child each day. Journal examples should include school progress/issues, reports on family visits, positive and/or negative behaviors, medical concerns, medical or counseling appointments, and any allegations made by the foster child. Print off as many copies as needed.



Kinship Information Sheet

This flyer provides a general overview of kinship care and how IFAPA can support kinship caregivers. VIEW FLYER 


Legislative Agenda

By telling their stories to legislators and developing personal relationships with public officials, Iowa's foster and adoptive parents are improving the child welfare and child protective system. The agenda defines the issues foster and adoptive parent members of IFAPA have identified and prioritized as important to children.



Lifebook Pages

IFAPA has created over 70 lifebook pages that families can print off for free. These free pages can be found under the Resources section of our website.



My Family Connections Booklet

This publication was designed to help birth parents share important details about their child to help ease their transition into a foster home.  Birth parents can share information on the child’s medical history, special memories they have of the child, and the day-to-day details (bedtime routine, food likes/dislikes, fears, school performance, etc.).  Family photos and extended family contact information can also be shared in this booklet. This publication is also a great tool to encourage birth parents to complete and share with their child during family interactions. 



News & Views - IFAPA Quarterly Newsletter

IFAPA produces a newsletter every quarter. The latest issues of News and Views are available under the Newsletter section of our website.



Pre-Placement Questionnaire for Foster Parents

This form lists questions foster parents should ask before agreeing to the placement of a child in their home. These questions will help you determine if this placement will be a good fit for your family and your parenting abilities.


Raising Relatives' Children

This publication is specific to kinship caregivers and was created to help Iowa kinship caretakers navigate the HHS and Juvenile Court systems when they are caring for a relative’s child. The booklet includes information on the different types of care a kinship caretaker can provide, financial assistance programs, community resources, and questions to ask HHS when considering a kinship placement.  This booklet also includes information on children's issues, family concerns, respite, educational issues, raising children of color, talking with children about their parents and much more helpful information.



Resource Parents Partnering with Birth Parents to Benefit Children

Why did you become a resource parent? Most people would answer this question by saying they want to help children and families, or they want to make a difference in a child’s life. One way you can have a big impact on a child’s life is by working with the birth parents to rebuild the family. There are enormous benefits for children and families when resource families and birth families work together. The information in this booklet will help resource parents gain a better understanding of the importance of positive connections with birth parents and ways resource parents can contribute to the success of these partnerships.


Transracial Parenting in Foster Care and Adoption: Strengthening Your Bicultural Family

This guidebook was created to help parents and children in transracial homes learn how to thrive in and celebrate their bicultural family; and for children to gain a strong sense of racial identity and cultural connections.



Website Resources

IFAPA offers an extensive amount of resources on our website. This publication reviews the resources available to foster, adoptive and kinship families.



The Weekly Word - IFAPA's Electronic Newsletter

IFAPA produces a weekly electronic newsletter that is sent out via e-mail. Past issues of this newsletter are available under the Newsletter section of our website. IFAPA is not able to mail issues of the newsletter to families; it is only sent to families and social workers that have shared their e-mail address with IFAPA. To receive the Weekly Word in your Inbox, send an e-mail to Crystal Thomason at ppierce@ifapa.org.






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